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Sunday 27 November 2011

Sleeping (or not) and the art of being a liberal hippy

Once again, i'm having trouble sleeping. Getting 5mins, then being wide awake again. I just can't wait for this week to be over, then maybe, finally, I can actually get some well jeeded sleep.

I need sleep

I can't function without sleep

Time without sleep makes me stressed

Stress makes me sleepless

Therefore, I cannot function as a human being.

I hope that once this week is over, once wednesday november 30th is out of the way, and the immediacy of the biggest strike in the uks history is gone, I will be able to sleep, but I aint'nt counting on it, coz there's always other thkngs to make me stressed, mainly financial.

Sleeping tablets.are ok, but they just make me even tirederer, and even more grumpy in the morning. I just wish I had a button on the side of my head that I could push to go straight to sleep.

I say all this now, but in a couple of weeks, the exact opposite will be the problem, I won't be able to keep awake, I will be sleeping for whole days at a time. It always happens, but it's just annoying...

And, on another note...i got a text from a good friend up in the midlands, he's decided that the best words to describe me are liberal hippy...i'm not sure I should be admitting that, especially the first one when liberals seem to be helping the tories in destroying the social fabric of, but it made me chuckle.  And hippy?? Maybe in some ways, but thats coz I were bought up in the middle.of the countryside, by a ginger hippy!

No connection between any of this except for sleepdeprived ramblings.

Somebody please get a gun and shoot me. At least it means I won't be awake

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