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Sunday 6 November 2011

Ed Milliband, and why he is officially now known as Ed "Spineless fucking Political Class Tory Wannabe Tosser"

A Confession,  I am not currently a member of any political party, even though i have been a member of the Labour Party at various times in the past,  however, i would class myself purely and simply as an unaligned socialist.

After Gordon Brown finally decided to stand down, i rejoined the labour party, as, i thought with people like John McDonnell putting their name forward as leader, there may have been a chance that the "Party of the Working Class" may finally go back to its roots, and actually work for the betterment of the working class in the UK, not just for the bankers and large corporations for whom all 3 of the main political parties seem to be the dancing puppet for.

Obviously, as anybody who has even the slightest interest in the British Political Scene is aware, this did not happen, and, the party gained as its Leader, Ed Milliband - seen at the time as the lesser of the 2 Milliband evils...

Ed Milliband,  has fucked over the working class consistently since,  especially with his comments on the July 30th Strike  "Striking is wrong if negotiations are ongoing"  this is fair enough, however, as we all know, meaningful negotiations were not ongoing...Negotiating involved both sides going in with a set of demands, and a compromise being reached,  not one side being willing to make a compromise, while the other sits there with their arms crossed saying "Fuck you, we ain't moving an inch, we're gonna fuck over all of your members purely because we are able to, and we want to finish off what Thatcher started"...

The thing that has really really got my goat this weekend is Ed trying to take on the Kudos of the occupy movement, while avoiding commenting on any of the issues that have been consistently raised by the movement, and whilst also avoiding consistently backing the Unions who are due to take part in the 30th November Pensions Action (Collectively covering over 3 million mainly working class members).   This has pissed me off majorly, How on earth can the so called leader of the labour party, not back millions of working class people in a struggle to receive the pension that they have signed up for, and which is affordable...This, my fellow people, is why, whenever i say the name of the current leader of the labour party, it will now be followed by the apt descriptor "Spineless Fucking Political Class Tory Wannabe Tosser", while feeling that his late lamented father, Ralph, will be turning in his grave, wondering what on earth he did wrong in both Ed & Daves upbringing!

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