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Sunday 4 March 2012

A weekend of friends, activism, friends and comedy

So, just heading home after a lovely relaxing weekend in liverpool, shame I have to leave so soon. If i'd known that I would be signed off work on friday, I would have made my advance tickets for tomorrow or tuesday, not this time in the morning today!
So, I arrived into liverpool at about 4 on friday afternoon, and was welcomed by my twin, the magnificent man known as Mr David Ellis, one of the finest.human beings you can ever meet, he took me straight to the pub next door to lime street, and started plying me with alcohol, before too long, the rest of the family Mac had turned up, Jackie Mac (or mother to give her her real name), Becky & Dan - the best little siblings (none related) that any human being could ever ask for, then in short order, the lovely suz, and the godlike keith turned up as well. This wonderful group of people are guaranteed to put my head into a good place, coz they are all what could be called amazing!
Then, it was home time (or for me, daves home which is my second home) ready to prepare for a day of activism and comedy!
Having a couple of hours to waste before I met up with Dave &Suz again, me and leila decided to go for a pint or two. After wondering around, trying to find a pub that wasn't packed, and wasn't playing loud loud music, we finally went into one called Slaters, we finally sat down for a nice relaxing pint, and settled into swapping anecdotes, and taking the piss out of each other (Leila is now officially to be known as "the nicest one in the world, not just the flat")  when we were disturbed by a chant of "E E E DL" coming from a group of skinheads who just walked in. To put it mildly, we were worried, both of us involved in anti fascist work in different ways, but with leila being involved locally, it was time to try and finish our pints extremely quickly and get out without a scene being caused. We managed this thank god, and moved on, and found a lovely pub, which looks like a spit and saw dust pub from the outside, but which was a proper cask ale pub on the inside! After a pint there, we left, and I said bye to Leila, but with a promise i'd see her next time i'm up in liverpool (I think that I actually said i'd let her know when I was up, just as i'm leaving ;) )
Now, it was onto the main point of the weekend, the reason why I actually made the trip, Mr Stewart Lee, the greatest living comedian...If you don't know Stewart Lee, he isn't a gag master, he is somebody who deconstructs Comedy routines, and turns them round on themselves, linking disparate elements into one solid 2hrs routine.
I haven't laughed as hard as I did last night for absolutely yonks, and would recommend you all go and watch him if you can, he is that overused word, genius, but in his case, it is aposite!
Once that was over, back down to the swan, and a few pints, some good laughs and then it was back to bootle, and get some sleep, before having to get the half ten train from there into town, and onwards.
I'm currently sat on a train from lime street to leeds, and am hoping to meet an old friend, mr chisman for a quick pint there, but, even if I don't, I can safely say that this is one of the best weekends I have had for a long time, friends old and new, activism, comedy, advice on the money shit, and help with the depression side!
I can't wait to come back to liverpool again, no idea when it will be however tho :(

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