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Thursday 8 March 2012

International Womens Day

As you all hopefully know, today is international womens day (originally international working womens day) a  day to recognise the massive role that women have had in creating the modern world, mostly without recognition.

I've only been awake a few minutes, but have already seen on twitter people saying "well, when's international mens day"  (it's the 19th November if you even bothered to try and do a bit of research),  and "why do women need their own day".  I'm happy to admit that i have done this at times, but only in a purposeful attempt to troll people who i get on with, and who know what my real views are!

I support International Womens Day absolutely and utterly. I was bought up in a purely female household (barring myself of course),  Me, My older Sister, My Mum (my Nana a lot of the time, and my 2 aunties).  While i was growing up my mum worked in a variety of part time jobs to support me and my sister, my nana also did the same, and told me stories of when she worked at MetroVickers in Manchester during the second world war, and how, virtually the entire armaments this country produced were by women. I was bought up with talesof the suffragettes, and what they'd done, with tales of mary seacole and others,  yet, every year it seems to be that people try to belittle the role that women have had through the years and bring out the whole "we're all equal now" argument.

BOLLOCKS are we. I know that as a White Heterosexual Cisgendered Male, i am priviledged in every single way (apart from class).  In this day and age, being female should not be a reason for being a second class citizen, but unfortunately in so many peoples minds, it is!

I don't think i've managed to write what my head actually wanted to write here, but, i hope it makes sense!

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