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Tuesday 21 August 2012

Cuntish Cunts who are Cunts

it's been almost 4 months since i've written any shit, but with everything that's going on in the world at the moment, thought it was worth writing a quick few things.

a hell of a lot of people will have written this a lot better than me, but have been very pissed off, so here goes...i'm pissed off with the amount of people who seemed to be decent human being who have shown their true cuntish face when all the assnage shit started, Rape is Rape. Yes, assange set up wikileaks, but that is not a get out of jaiil card to escape charges.

I've seen that cunts are cunts are cunts, and even cunts who hide their true cuntishness well do let the mask slip on occasions.

I'm a Cunt, and more than happy to admit it, but am very lucky to have good friends, both near and far who will tell me i'm being a cunt, and will let me know what i'm doing which is even more cuntish than normal,  and, i'm not a cunt about people telling me i'm a cunt, i take it on board and realise that yes i was a cunt, and so i should stop being a cunt...

There, that's it done for now.  Back to being a lowlevel cunt instead of a CUNT!

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