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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Well, some of you may have guessed I had a bit of a shit day yesterday, but after 4 months of increasing depression, thanks to the support of a few people, i've actually gone to the doctors, to try and get it solved, and have started on medications, diazepam first of all, to relax my head, before another appointment on friday to work out the next steps. I've also been given ways forward on the money problems, CCCS, Payplan, CAB and the one who's name outs me off "Christians against Poverty" but apparently they're good!

There are a few people who I would like to thank for the support, but I won't name them all, but these people have helped me through virtually slapping me, supporting me, and forcing me to face up to it all.

Some of these people have been mates for a long time, but have really really come through.for me this time, Wheeler, Rick, Rob, Kate, Sam i'm looking at you!

I have realised that my main coping mechanism really isn't helping, it's just making me oush the problems deeper inside, but, I still do want a drink or two!

Hopefully things can improve now, and, hopefully, this weekend, when I go up to see my second family in liverpool, it'll help more as well!

Monday 27 February 2012

Pay day loans, bad credit.rating, vicious financial black hole

Yet again, i'm balancing payday loans, I only got paid a few days ago, but have already had to take out another payday loan so I can pay off the payday loans I have due for partial payment in the next few days, this doesn't even include those ones due early next month. I actually sat down yesterday, and worked out, if I got a £3000 or even a £2500 (it's just possible) loan, I could pay them all off, and pay off my credit card (which I have been paying the minimum on) and pay my bills, as well as paying off the debt.collection agency who I am paying £90 a month to, and be back in the clear. I can easily afford to pay £200 a month back, and have enough to comfortably live on, the only thing is, no bank or respectable finance company will even countenance giving me a loan. I can not get a guarantor (or I don't know of anybody who would be a guarantor for me), and, because of ny bad financial history, no one else will give me a loan.

Due to mistakes I made when I was younger, and being paid a lot less than I am now, I am stuck in a bad place financially, I am given no opportunity at all of fixing my bad credit history, I am just stuck in a financial black hole, where eventually, every single penny I earn will go on payday loans, meaning that my rent etc won't get paid. I'm already not paying my bills, which, again, leads to bad credit rating, it really is a vicious circle.

If anybody.knows of any solutions at all, can you let me know, because I really am at my wits end!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

My friends

The town I live in, I have a few people who I love...there are a few people who if I had to disappear, i'd want to keep in touch...them people be paul green, alex the chef, the lovely blue, and the best of them all, kate is fucking amazing, she is awesome, she keeps on saying i'm awesome, but I so fucking aint...

Monday 13 February 2012

A guide to my current headspace

So, yet again, am feeling a wee bit shit, but thats coz i'm on new painkillers for my ear, which aren't mixing well with the other ones i'm on, and also don't mix well with alcohol. I haven't eaten for about a week, I have food in, but I can't force any down my stomach, but have been drinking a fair bit. Am not sleeping well at all, but thats not news, that's just normal. Over the past 15 years i've managed to get on top of a lot of my autistic tendencies, but over the past few months they've been coming out to play a lot, because of the depression shit.
I have "safe places" and, even they're not feeling safe at the moment, my flat is turning into an absolute shit heap, I need to do some proper deep cleaning and throwing out of rubbish on it, the money troubles aren't helping with that at all. The drinking is hapoening to try and get my head in a place where I can cope with humanity, but that is not happening, i'm just getting pissed and ill. I'm trying to give myself a portable safe place, by wearing my warm hat permanently, but that isn't helping as much as it could do. I need to sort my head out, and get back to the good place I know I can get in. It's just hard because I only have a few good good friends where I live, most of the people I class as great mates live the other side of the country. I don't have anyone where I can just turn up at theirs and chill, that's what I miss most about the east midlands area I spent most of my life, and so, because I don't have this, I end up going to the pub - or one pub anyway, where I di feel fairly safe, but only when there are people I know there.  I can't go to any other pubs in town, coz my head will not let me walk into somewhere unless I know there is somebody I know and get on with there. Even if i'm arranging to meet someone, I will not go in until I know that they are in there, and exactly where they are.
I'm starting getting paranoia trips again as well, even when i'm in my flat, I keep hearing joises (most probably ones that my ear has invented) and i'll think it's somebody who's broke in, and my heart will start palpitating.
I know that my head can get into a good place, where I can cope with society again, and where I don't have to put up the mask when I meet people that makes it seem like i'm ok, when i'm not. I've been in good head places before, and I know I can go there again, but, cyrrently it seems like a bit of a downward spiral. I hate it, I hate myself when i'm like this, which just makes everything worse and worse. What I would love to do right now is just upsticks, and live in a tent on a beach somewhere, but I can't do that. I can't afford to even travel and see my good friends,  just to get to liverpool in a couple of weeks, i've had to scrimp and save money for a few months.  I really really do not want to be like this, I want to be able to live life instead of living a lie. I refuse to take antidepressants, as, even though I don't like myself like this, at least I feel in someway like me, when I have to take antidepressants I don't feel like me, I feel like an alien, not connected with me at all.

I have always hated myself, I have never ever ever been able to see anything good about myself at all, and when people have said good things about me, I haven't believed them, but i've always been able to try and understand, I can't do even that at the moment, I hate myself and if anyone says anything good about me at all, they are a lying bastard

Saturday 4 February 2012

Ups downs ups and downs

Going through odd spells of ups downs ups and downs, lazy bastardry, and hyper energetic, went for a long long walk yesterday morning, but have spent all day today in bed. I'm just all :(  Thursday was a really really bad day, coz of things in the past, and today, have just been thinking about multiverse theory, and wondering what the world where my dad didn't die just before I was born would be like. I'm just all over the place!  Time to try and chill my head down. I need to stop thinking about things, it makes my head hurt too much